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katie kish
York University, Canada | website
Research interests: Ecological Footprint; Complexity Thinking; Ecological Economics
Associate editors(9)
joe ament
University of Vermont, United States | website
Research interests: Monetary Theory; Ecological Economics; Embeddedness; Ecofeminist Political Ecology
truzaar dordi
University of York, United States | website
Research interests: Climate Finance; Energy Policy; Sustainability Transitions
kesha fevrier
Queen’s University, Canada | website
Research interests: Race; Waste; Value Determination; Informal Livelihoods; Resilience
jennifer gobby
Concordia University, Canada | website
Research interests: Climate Change; Environmental Justice; Indigenous Rights and Resistance; Theories & Practices of Social Transformation and Participatory Action Research Methods
caitlin bradley morgan
United States Department of Agriculture, United States | website
Research interests: Collaborative Mixed-Methods Research; Sustainable Transitions in Agriculture; Ecological Economics; Food and Health Equity
ivan dario vargas roncancio
York University, Canada | website
Research interests: Law and Justice; Anthropology; Earth Law; Rights of Nature; Indigenous Cosmologies and Legalities; Climate Governance; Amazonia; Canada
sophia sanniti
University of Waterloo, Canada | website
Research interests: Social and Ecological Sustainability
martin sers
University of Victoria, Canada | website
Research interests: Ecological Economics; The Post-Keynesian Variants of Macroeconomics
shreya some
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark | website
Research interests: Emission Trend Analysis; Sustainability and Co-Benefits Analysis of Various Adaptation and Mitigation Options
Board members(34)
matthias barth
Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany | website
Research interests: Sustainability Education; Didactics of Elementary Social Studies and Science; Empirical Education Research; Sustainability Science; Educational Science
knut halvor alfsen
CICERO Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Norway | website
Research interests: Sustainable Development; Technological Change; Climate Change Negotiations
marcus carson
Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden | website
Research interests: Belief Systems; Policy and Implementation; Social Movements; Organizational Networks
todd l. cherry
University of Wyoming, Norway | website
Research interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics; Behavioral and Experimental Economics; Energy and Climate Policy, Public Economics
ron corvers
Maastricht University, Netherlands | website
Research interests: Governance for Sustainable Development; Learning for Sustainable Development
susan l. cutter
University of South Carolina, United States | website
Research interests: Disaster Vulnerability/Resilience Science; Vulnerability and Resilience
philip c. emmi
University of Utah, United States | website
Research interests: Complex Systems Perspective on Global Affairs; Cities' Roles in Global Strategic Disruptions
francesca farioli
Italian Association for Sustainability Science, Italy | website
Research interests: Science-Policy-Society Interface; Participatory Approaches; Problem-Solving; Solution-Oriented Transformative Research; Transformative Learning; Development of Sustainability Competences, etc
joshua c. farley
University of Vermont, United States | website
Research interests: Economics of Essential Resources; Social DIlemmas; Democratization of Monetary and Financial Systems; Ecosystem Services; Brazil’s Atlantic Forest; Economics of information
evan fraser
University of Guelph, Canada | website
Research interests: Food Systems Transformations; Agri-Technology; Food policy; climate change and sustainability
bernhard freyer
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria | website
Research interests: Social Systems Theory; Societal Change; Organic Agriculture; Low Input Systems; Sustainability of Monasteries; Farmer-Consumer Partnerships; Ethics in Organic Agrofood System; Consumer Behavior; Climate Change; Smallholder Farmer Systems
josé goldemberg
University of São Paulo, Brazil | website
Research interests: Energy and Environment Issues
john malcolm gowdy
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States | website
Research interests: Humans as an Ultrasocial Species; Valuation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; Evolutionary Economics; Climate Change; Energy; Behavioral Economics and Public Policy; Sustainability
grete kaare hovelsrud
Nord University, Norway | website
Research interests: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change; Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Coupled Social-Ecological Systems; Transformation of Society In the Context of Climatic and Societal Change
pierre l. ibisch
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany | website
Research interests: Ecosystem-based Sustainable Development
erik steen jensen
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden | website
Research interests: Sustainable Multifunctional Cropping Systems; Ecosystem Services from Legumes; Crop Production and Carbon-Nitrogen Cycling
francis xavier johnson
Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden | website
Research interests: Socio-Economic and Environmental Analysis related to Sustainable Energy Transitions, Climate Policy, Land/Biomass use, and Bioeconomy Pathways
louise karlberg
Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden | website
Research interests: Water Management in Small-Scale Agriculture; Modelling of Transpiration and Photosynthesis; Impact of Climate and Environment; Carbon Turnover in Terrestrial Ecosystems
lorrae van kerkhoff
The Australian National University, Australia | website
Research interests: Research, Science and Technology Policy; Environmental Science and Management; Environmental Education and Extension; Environmental Sociology Social Change; Sociological Methodology and Research Methods; Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology
alexander lautensach
University of Northern British Columbia, Canada | website
Research interests: Agriculture; Animal Welfare; Biodiversity/Ecology; Climate Change; Culture; Earth Science; Education; Environment; Ethics; Human Rights; Sustainability
christa liedtke
Folkwang University of Arts, Industrial Design, Germany | website
Research interests: Sustainable Design; Resource Efficiency in Value Chains; Real-Lab Research; Transformation in Production/Consumption; Sustainable Product-Service Systems; User-Integrated Development
francois mancebo
University of Reims, France | website
Research interests: Urban Transitions to Sustainability; Planning as Adaptive Process; Governance and Policy Making; Environmental Justice and Intergenerational Equity; Boundary Work; Participatory Joint Fact-Finding
charles f mason
University of Wyoming, United States | website
Research interests: Environmental and Resource Economics; Oil Spill Litigation; Editorial Leadership; Energy Policy; Strategic Environmental Behavior
bart muys
University of Leuven, Belgium | website
Research interests: Natural ecosystems; Forest ecosystems; Bioenergy systems
barry ness
Lund University, Sweden | website
Research interests: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Approaches; Complex Sustainability Challenges; Transitioning to Greater Sustainability
robert k. niven
The University of New South Wales at ADFA, Australia | website
Research interests: Environmental Contaminants; PFAS Impact and Policy; Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics; Conservation Laws; Lie Symmetries; Dimensional Analysis; Probabilistic Inference; Data Science; Maximum Entropy Analysis; Bayesian Inference
jose antonio puppim de oliveira
Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (FGV EBAPE), Brazil | website
Research interests: Applied Social Sciences; Natural Sciences and Engineering Integration; Planning; Public and Business Administration; Management; Environmental Policy; Development Studies; Governance; Urban Studies
karen holm olsen
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark | website
Research interests: Climate and Sustainable Development; Capacity Building for Carbon Market Mechanisms; Transformative Design of Paris Agreement; Transformational Impact Assessment; IPCC Special Reports Review; CDM; NAMAs; Green Growth; Sustainability Transition
martin j. pasqualetti
Arizona State University, United States | website
Research interests: Renewable energy; Energy/water nexus; Energy landscapes; Energy and society; Energy education
rhonda phillips
Purdue University, United States | website
Research interests: Economic and Technology-based Development; Urban and Regional Planning; Well-Being Studies
asuncion lera st.clair
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS), Spain | website
Research interests: Climate Change; Sustainable Development; Climate Policy; How to Translate Scientific Knowledge into Practical Action and Policy Decision-Making
asbjørn torvanger
Center for Internatonal Climate and Environmental Research, Norway | website
Research interests: Climate Finance; Governance of Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage; Design of Climate Policy Post-Paris Agreement
pieter valkering
VITO, Belgium | website
Research interests: Integrated Analysis of Energy Systems; Interdisciplinary Approach; Energy Scenarios; Barriers and Enablers for Energy Transition; Community Energy; Renewable Energy Technologies; Energy Systems Behavioural Modeling; Integrated Assessment of Water Management
hoang phong le
Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, Viet Nam, Viet Nam | website
Research interests: Energy Economics; Environmental Economics; Sustainability; Political Science; Public Finance