Acadlore Publication Services: We offer superior services to our authors, reviewers, editors, librarians, publishers, societies, and conference organizers.
Acadlore is an academic publisher of open access journals covering a myriad of topics, many of which span across disciplines. Our mission is to inspire and empower the scientific exchange between scholars around the world, especially those from emerging countries. We firmly believe in the benefits of open access to knowledge, and the values of online digital publishing. Our high-quality publishing services are backed by a community of prolific scholars, a team of senior experts, and a cohort of well-trained editors.
Open access is a defining feature of Acadlore journals. Under the CC BY license, any article published in our journals is freely readable and reusable with proper attributions. No subscription fee is needed to access the published articles. The immediate and widened access to the latest research accelerates knowledge discovery, and encourages creativity, forming an equitable knowledge system that is open to all. The free-of-charge access is made possible through an APC paid by authors and their institutions, which covers the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management.
Open access brings multiple benefits to our authors: The reach of your work increases significantly, because there is never a fee for readers to access, download, or share your work; Your work in the open-access domain becomes more discoverable and visible, which increases the chance of being cited; You will be highly visible to a large number of readers, compared with those publish their work in subscription-only journals; open access publication of your work benefits everyone, rather than a few researchers.
Editorial process and production
Our authors are guided by the Instructions for Authors to prepare and submit their manuscripts. Any submission to our journals is subject to rigorous peer-reviewing, which is double blind, i.e., the authors and reviewers do not know the identities of each other. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two referees, who must hold a PhD, be the expert in the relevant fields, and have no conflict of interest. The editorial process from submission, peer review, to editor decision can be completed efficiently in our manuscript processing system. Reviewers and editors can access the articles assigned to them anytime, anywhere.
Once an article is submitted, a professional in-house editor will decide, in consultation with experts in relevant fields, whether the article meets the publication ethics, fits the scope of the journal, and is scientifically sound. This editor is responsible for coordinating the entire editorial process of the manuscript, which involves peer-review, editor decision, minor/major revision (if any), second round of peer-review (if major revision occurs), rejection (if any), acceptance, as well as the production process, including copyediting, language editing, proofreading, file preparation, and publication. His/her work will be assisted by several assistant editors.
Whether a manuscript should be accepted is decided by our academic editor of the journal, in the light of the reviewer reports. Typically, a manuscript may be accepted for publication directly, or after minor/major revision. Only one round of major revision is allowed. Once accepted, an article enters the production process. The professional in-house editor will coordinate every step from copyediting, language editing, file production through online publication. The article will appear online in the upcoming issue of the corresponding journal.
Responsibilities and expectations
The Editor-in-Chief of a journal is expected to supervise all journal activities, and maintain the scientific quality of journal articles. He/she must oversee the growth and development of journal, coordinate the communication with editorial board members, and assist our professional in-house editors in journal management. The main responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief are as follows:
(1) Select eligible reviewers and encourage in-depth and reasoned reviews.
(2) Implement editorial control and ensure the quality of the journal, including soliciting, editing, and publishing of submissions.
(3) Make the final decision of acceptance or rejection of the peer-reviewed and revised (if any) article.
(4) Invite prolific scholars and field experts to the editorial board.
(5) Suggest topics for special issues.
(6) Request the opinions from all parties about how to improve the publication policies and content quality of the journal.
Section Editor-in-Chief
The Section Editor-in-Chief is expected to ensure the scientific quality of the specific journal section in their field of expertise. He/she must oversee the growth and development of the journal section. The main responsibilities of the Section Editor-in-Chief are as follows:
(1) Select eligible reviewers and encourage in-depth and reasoned reviews of manuscripts in their journal section.
(2) Implement editorial control and ensure the quality of the journal, including soliciting, editing, and publishing of submissions in their journal section.
(3) Make the final decision of acceptance or rejection of the peer-reviewed and revised (if any) article in their journal section.
(4) Invite prolific scholars and field experts to the section editorial board.
(5) Suggest topics for special issues related to the field of their journal section.
(6) Provide support and guidance to other editors.
Associate editors
The associate editors are expected to support the Editor-in-Chief and Section Editor-in-Chief in their respective roles. The main responsibilities of the associate editors are as follows:
(1) Obtain reviews of the manuscripts assigned to them.
(2) Ensure the technical suitability of the manuscripts assigned to them.
(3) Suggest suitable reviewers, evaluate review reports, and assist with editor decision.
(4) Suggest and review special issues.
(5) Submit an inaugural article as the corresponding author.
(6) Promote the journal at conferences and meetings.
Editorial board members
The editorial board members are expected to make final decisions on manuscripts in their field of expertise. The main responsibilities of editorial board members are as follows:
(1) Make preliminary assessment and decisions of new submissions in their field of research.
(2) Propose special issues on topics in their field of research.
(3) Supervise special issues related to their field of research.
(4) Promote the journal among their peers.
(5) Promote the journal at conferences and meetings.
(6) Review manuscripts.
Section board members
The section board members are mostly committed to a specific journal section in their field of expertise. The main responsibilities of section board members are as follows:
(1) Make preliminary assessment and decisions of new submissions to their journal section.
(2) Edit special issues on topics in their journal section.
(3) Supervise special issues related to their field of research.
(4) Promote the journal among their peers.
(5) Promote the journal at conferences and meetings.
(6) Review manuscripts.
The advisors are expected to assist the Editor-in-Chief in journal development. The main responsibilities of the advisors are as follows:
(1) Advance the standing of the journal in the scientific community.
(2) Formulate ethical policies and guidelines for publishing practices.
(3) Suggest topics for special issues for the journal.
(4) Assist in solving appeal cases or ethical disputes.
(5) Promote the journal among their peers.
(6) Contribute an article once a year.
Guest editors
The guest editors are expected to edit special issues, and solicit papers for the special issue from suitable authors. Special issues are focused, timely and insightful collections of research articles, often themed around a subject that is particularly current, an emerging field, or a new perspective on an existing research matter. The main responsibilities of guest editors are as follows:
(1) Prepare the title, aims and scope, and keywords of the special issue.
(2) Compile a list of authors, and propose titles of their papers.
(3) Invite authors to submit articles by the given deadline.
(4) Ensure that the review process of the special issue is in line with the normal practice of the journal.
(5) Promote the special issue at conferences, social media, and other platforms.
(6) Ensure that the submissions are from international authors, and contribute to the body of knowledge.
If you have any publishing proposals (e.g., launching new OA journals, transferring OA existing journals, and converting subscription journals into OA journals), please contact us via support@acadlore.com.
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