Acadlore Publication Services: We offer superior services to our authors, reviewers, editors, librarians, publishers, societies, and conference organizers.
Acadlore strives to become a vibrant hub of academic knowledge. We offer rigorous yet cost-effective publishing solution catered to every conceivable need for knowledge sharing. We are eager to provide full support to any society or research organization, who wish to adopt the open access publication model or improve their open access journals.
As a fully open access publisher, Acadlore runs a diverse portfolio of rigorously referred academic journals, covering such fields as business and economics, chemistry, computer sciences, engineering, environmental sciences, life sciences, math, physical sciences, and social sciences. Many of these journals are owned by our affiliated societies and research organizations.
We offer any interested society or research organization the following services:
Open access publishing
Your journal will be converted from the traditional publishing model to the open access model, which makes the published articles visible to global audience, increase the chance of citations, fosters multidisciplinary exchange, and brings you a robust income.
Professional journal management
All aspects of journal development will be covered by a managing editor and several assistant editors, and all staff cost will be borne by Acadlore. Through our professional management, there is a high chance for your journal(s) to get indexed in mainstream databases.
Streamlined editorial process
We offer a clear and efficient editorial process, which adheres to the strictest publication standards. In every link of the editorial process from the submission of a manuscript to its acceptance, we pursue the swiftest operation, without sacrificing the article quality.
Fast production process
Our team of professional in-house editors is responsible for fast, high-quality production of each accepted manuscript, including but not limited to Copyediting, language editing, proofreading, and production of PDF versions for online publication.
Web-based manuscript processing system
Our own manuscript processing system provides full-spectrum technical support to the entire publication flow, from manuscript acceptance to publication. Every step of journal publishing is completed efficiently online. Cooperative services are deeply integrated in our system.
Visibility to global audience
The articles published in your journal(s) will be searchable at www.acadlore.com, where the contents of our open access journals and academic conference proceedings attract a high page view. To increase the exposure of your contents, we ensure full-text indexing and search engine optimization.
Metadata generation and deposition
As a member of Crossref, Acadlore registers all published contents with DOIs, and registers the metadata of new published papers soon after publication. We also deposit published contents in various databases.
Wide indexing and abstracting
Acadlore works closely with many leading and domain-specific indexing and abstracting databases. The wide indexing and abstracting bring the contents published in your journal(s) to the widest possible audience.
Conference and proceedings services
Acadlore organizes international conferences on various disciplines, and offer numerous opportunities for you to participate and organize academic events. We also facilitate other organizations to publish proceedings of their conferences.
Retaining ownership
You can retain the ownership of the journal(s) by selling the periodical business to Acadlore. We will operate the journal(s) on your behalf. If you wish to cooperate in other models, please free to contact us at support@acadlore.com.
Robust publication income
Under the open access model, the various costs of publication are covered by the Article processing charge (APC). Acadlore can take care of the APC billing and collection, and pay a fee to you on an annual basis. During the management of your journal(s), all staff cost will be borne by Acadlore.
For more information, please contact support@acadlore.com.
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