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Volume 2, Issue 2, 2024


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This study introduces logarithmic operations tailored to intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) aimed at mitigating uncertainty in decision-making processes. Through logarithmic transformations, the membership and non-membership degrees are effectively scaled, thereby enhancing interpretability and facilitating the assessment of uncertainty. Advanced logarithmic aggregation operators have been developed, specifically the Induced Confidence Logarithmic Intuitionistic Fuzzy Einstein Ordered Weighted Geometric Aggregation (ICLIFEOWGA) operator and the Induced Confidence Logarithmic Intuitionistic Fuzzy Einstein Hybrid Geometric Aggregation (ICLIFEHGA) operator. These operators serve as versatile tools, providing robust frameworks for integrating diverse information sources in decision-making and assessment processes. The versatility of the operators is demonstrated through their application across various industries and domains, where they support the integration of multiple criteria in complex decision-making scenarios. An algorithm for the decision-making process is presented, and the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques are illustrated through a case study on laptop selection.
Open Access
Research article
A Blockchain Cross-Chain Solution Based on Relays
wanshu fu ,
jiaqi du ,
yi zhang ,
ziqi wang
Available online: 04-14-2024


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Blockchain has attracted widespread attention due to its unique features such as decentralization, traceability, and tamper resistance. With the rapid development of blockchain technology, an increasing number of industries are gradually applying blockchain technology to various fields such as the Internet of Things, healthcare, finance, agriculture, and government affairs. However, there are certain differences in the underlying architecture, data structures, consensus algorithms, and other aspects of blockchain technology across different sectors, which restrict transactions to occur within a single blockchain. Achieving interoperability between different blockchains is challenging, hindering data exchange and collaborative business to some extent, inevitably leading to the problem of “data silo”. Against this backdrop, this study aims to explore a cross-chain solution based on relay technology to address the current challenges of interoperability between blockchain systems. By employing relay-based cross-chain technology, a blockchain cross-chain collaboration platform is established to simulate the construction of a real cross-chain network. By deploying business contracts, data and resources between heterogeneous blockchains can seamlessly communicate, resolving the challenge of cross-chain interoperability. The research findings demonstrate that the blockchain cross-chain solution based on relay technology can effectively enhance interoperability between different blockchain systems, enabling cross-chain asset circulation and information transmission, highlighting the practical applicability and scalability of this study.

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