Pollution, also called environmental pollution, is the presence of harmful substances in the environment that has a poisonous effect. These harmful substances are called pollutants, which may cause health problems to humans and creatures.
In a scientific way, one might define pollution as the emergence of substances, which may surround living organisms and eventually will cause harm to them [1].
One of the most useful fertilizers for soil is animal waste. However, on the other hand, if the animal waste was disposed in drains, it would lead to diseases and epidemics [2].
It is known that the primary cause of pollution is humankind. Pollution explosion is blamed on a list of reasons, including industrial revolution, technological advancements, misuse of natural resources, and population expansions. Pollution is responsible for a lot of deaths. It was stated that pollution caused 50,000 deaths annually, accounting for about 2% of the total [3], [4].
Tobacco or cigarette smoke kill about three million people annually. If smoking continues to exist, the deaths will increase to 10 million annually [5].
Air pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the air, which can be classified into two parts [6], [7]. The first part is natural sources of pollution, such as dust. The second part includes industrial sources, car emissions, and fuel-driven electric power generators, which emit large amounts of harmful fine particles and gases into the air [8].
Large industrial cities are one of the most affected areas of air pollution. In addition, the developed countries do not have the capabilities to eliminate pollution. Some of the elements that cause air pollution are shown in Figure 1 [9] and discussed in the list below.
1) Fine particles, generated by petroleum-driven vehicles, factories that release unfiltered smoke of chemicals, and desert dust.
2) Carbon dioxide, with factories as its primary source.
3) Nitrogen dioxide, generated from burning fuels.
4) Ozone, a gas composed of three atoms of oxygen, exists both in the upper atmosphere of the earth and on the ground. For ozone at the ground level, it’s harmful to people and the environment, and is the main ingredient in “smog” [10].
5) Carbon monoxide, generated from automobile emissions in highly populated cities, bush fires and volcanoes.
6) Cigarette smoke, which produces fine Particulate Matter (PM), is the most dangerous element of air pollution for health (Medical News Today).
7) Lead, the most toxic metal, is considered a major pollutant. Lead content exceeds 64,000 parts per million in the dust of houses and exceeds 3,000 parts per million in the air of streets.
Polluted air means the surrounding air has large quantities of pollutants, causing harm to humans, animals, plants or materials. Nowadays air pollution is a big killer. In 2015, pollution caused 6.4 million deaths globally, with 2.8 million deaths of them caused by household air pollution [11]. Data for the year 2015 below shows the percentages in global deaths caused by air pollution [11]:
• 19% of all cardiovascular deaths
• 24% of ischemic heart disease deaths
• 21% of stroke deaths
• 23% of lung cancer deaths
In addition, the polluted air caused neurodevelopmental disorder in children [12], [13] and neurodegenerative diseases in adults [14].
With large economic and human losses caused by air pollution, the environment predictive and forecasting technology is needed.